Zipper Cakes
Multi Shot-Zipper Cakes. Multi shot zipper cakes are a great finale item. Designed for rapid fire movement in a zig-zag pattern usually containing way over the usual amount of shots in most 500 gram cakes.
205 shots of extreme excitement. This item features fast zipper shots as well as huge fan shell bursts....
Wholesale Pack: 2/1: Maximum Charge, 205 Shots. Red/white/blue crackling chrys. whistling, brocade crown with big break finale.
The name says it all. Colormania is happening tonight. Vivid colorful mines repeat 3 times followed by crackling...
Wholesale Pack: 2/1 Crackling bouquet to purple/green/red/blue/orange. Silver tail whistling to time rain. Brocade crown golden palm tree...
The biggest of the big shot boxes, it is a 196 shot 500gr cake that shoots fast and...
Buckle up for a thrill ride! This incredible cake features jaw-dropping rapid fire effects in fan shapes,V patterns...
Picture of product will be updated, New 200 gram zipper cake!
Out of stock
The performance is awesome in the huge 104 Shot Zipper Finale Cake.
$ 120.00
$ 135.00
$ 60.00
$ 135.00
$ 160.00
$ 150.00
$ 25.00
$ 150.00